Tuesday, January 28, 2020

My Entrepreneurship Story

     I have been surrounded by entrepreneurship ever since I can remember. My dad is what you could call a 'serial entrepreneur'. Over the years, he has owned several different businesses from running a tow truck company in south Florida to owning a gas station to owning a land clearing business to owning a pawn shop and most recently, owning a used car lot. My dad has always had a knack for starting a business right when the need for a service reaches a peak. When I was younger, I wanted to be just like my dad. I used to start my own little 'businesses'. For example, I sold candies in elementary school. I used kits to make and (try to) sell perfumes, as well as, other arts and crafts. Although none of my ventures were very successful, my dad would pat me on the back anyway.

      I enrolled in this course because I was curious about what an entrepreneurship course would entail. I wanted to learn as much as I could about entrepreneurship. I have always known that I want to own/run my own business. A 9-to-5 job is something that has never appealed to me, no matter how much more work owning a business requires. Perhaps it's the independence that comes with having your own business that I desire. I would simply like to learn more about every aspect of creating and running a business. From marketing to the details in entrepreneurship to handling finances, I want to absorb as much as I can about business.


  1. Hello Veronica, I thought your post was great! I found it to be so awesome how you have been inspired by your father to become an entrepreneur. I also explored with things that I thought were businesses when I was younger, like making bracelets and baking cookies to sell. I feel this course will be very beneficial for you, especially that you aspire to own your own business someday. Maybe you could've included any pondering questions you have remaining that you haven't learned from your dad that you would like to explore.

  2. Hi Veronica,

    Well spoken! I really enjoyed reading about the impact that your father has had upon you. I think it's beautiful how a good parent-child dynamic can have such a profoundly positive impact upon a person. I can relate to this because I've always had a similar relationship with my father. He's an executive in the tech industry, and he was one of my biggest motivations when I chose to study computer science.

    Additionally, I applaud you for diving into the nitty-gritty of business even at such a young age. That takes a lot of drive and determination- I couldn't have done it!

  3. Veronica, I think its so cute that you were influenced by your father. I feel that I too was heavily influenced by my father who is a very creative thinker. I also love that you used to create little candles and things to sell as a child. That truly is something a little entrepreneur would do. Great post!

  4. Hey Veronica! I really found reading your post being a very enjoyable one. I feel it has to be amazing coming from a family who has always tried to make a business when there is a need for that service! My parents never really got into that working field, but I have been motivated to become an entrepreneur from individuals like your father. I respect the hustle you have made as a little kid because not everyone is the same way!

  5. Hello Veronica. I think it is special that you have that close bond with your father, and how he has impacted your life. Like you, a 9-5 basic office job does not excite me, and I would be much more intrigued by a job that I enjoy, where I sort of do things on my time. It is also interesting to see that you were somewhat of an entrepreneur yourself, especially from a young age.
