Friday, March 20, 2020

Elevator Pitch No. 2

1) Pitch

2) Reflection
I really appreciated the feedback I received on my pitch from last time. The positive criticism allowed me to expand upon my good points and to try to remain thorough in my explanation of my product and problem.

3) Changes
I did not change a lot of my pitch besides some information at the end. I did, however, try to slow down the delivery of my speech because I have a tendency to talk fast.


  1. Hello Veronica! Your pitch was great and it was very apparent that you tried to slow your pace down. I was able to hear you clearly and connect all the points you were talking about. Also, I really liked how you included factual information in the beginning, it was a great hook. My only suggestion is to try to have the camera at eye level so that it looks like you are making eye contact with your audience. It looked a little like you were looking up past the camera.

  2. Hey Veronica,
    You did a really nice job on your pitch. I enjoyed your beginning hook as it really helped to draw me in. I also like how you used statistics to help the listener understand. Your pace was slow, and steady which made it easy to follow. You explained your app very well. Great job.

  3. Hey Veronica,
    You did a great job on your pitch. I see you said you changed the speed of your speech and slowed it down, that is something I truly think is a key part in speaking, is making sure your clear. I also loved how you transitioned throughout the pitch, quick, with flow and to the point! Amazing job!

  4. Hello Veronica. First off, I like that you started off your pitch by asking listeners if they have gone through this problem, because a lot of people have, and they will be interested in what you have to say from the get-go. Next, you introduced statistics, to show that this is a legitimate issue that many people encounter. Lastly, the solution you offer is very detailed, leaving few questions to be answered. Great pitch.
