Friday, February 7, 2020

Testing the Hypothesis Part 1

People who own a cell phone can be bombarded by phone calls from telemarketers and robots day and night because there is not a program to block these calls,

Testing the who:
My who is anyone who owns a cell phone. Although, it isn't limited to just individuals. Businesses can also receive these calls. However, not everyone in this who may share this need for a blocking program. There may be some people who don't receive these calls, or receive too few for it to matter to them.

Testing the what:
Each phone call received is useless and uses time out of one's day. The more phone calls someone receives from a telemarketer, the more time they have wasted.

Testing the why:
Is it because they run a business and phone calls from telemarketers keep them from answering the phone for a client? Is it because they receive a ridiculous amount of calls in one day?

Interview Summary:
After interviewing 5 different people, I came to the conclusion that they all shared this need for a program to block calls from telemarketers. They each had their own cell phone and one had a business phone. However, the why varied between each of them. Two had businesses that received call from telemarketers. They were each frustrated by the number of calls they receiver, but it sometimes stops them from answering an actual customer's call. The other three each received multiple calls a week and were frustrated with being bothered by the calls. These interviews did not bring forward anything new that I did not already know.


  1. Hi Veronica!
    Great continuation of your previous opportunity identification concerning the high prevalence of automated calls. I for one experience this frequently, and I can no longer base my decision to pick up the phone or not on the location of the call, as most scammers use a local code to trick people. I think a solution to this problem would be awesome, and I hope to see something come from this.

  2. Hey Veronica!
    I love the opportunity of realizing the issue at had here. I get these calls at least twice a day and it is very irritating. Finding a good alternative to fixing this problem would be tremendous and I'm sure everyone would be very happy to not see these messages pop up on their phones.
