Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Testing the Hypothesis Part 2


  1. 20 year old female Undergraduate student
    -She very rarely receives robocalls or calls from telemarketers.
    -She has received only one or two of these calls.
    -She is not on her phone often and rarely uses her phone number on subscriptions.
    -She does not have a problem with robocalls, so she would not need this product.
  2. 45 year old male business owner
    -He is on his phone very often to conduct business calls.
    -He only only receives a call from a telemarketer once every few months.
    -These calls do not bother him because he receives very few.
    -He doesn't have a need for this product because he isn't overly bothered by the calls.
  3. 30 year old mother of two
    - She uses her phone daily, but doesn't spend a lot of time on it.
    -She has received only a hand-full of robocalls.
    -She doesn't use her number to sign up for any newsletters or subscriptions.
    -While getting these calls do irritate her, she doesn't receive enough calls to warrant getting this product.
  4. 24 year old male Graduate student
    -He is on his phone a lot for both school and work.
    -He only receives robocalls once every 4 to 5 months.
    -He is not irritated by these calls because they do not occur very often.
    -He most likely would not use this product.
  5. 50 year old female business owner
    -She uses her phone very often for both business and personal use.
    -She receives a call from a telemarketer once every couple of months.
    -She gets mildly irritated by these calls.
    -She most likely wouldn't use this product unless she started getting more robocalls.

 Inside the Boundary
 Outside the Boundary
People who receive calls from telemarketers and robocalls.
By looking solely at my interviews, people outside of the boundary seem to mostly be made up of people who do not use their phone number on subscriptions. 
They have a need for a program that blocks calls from telemarketers. 
They do not have a need for this program because they don't receive many robocalls. 
This need exists because of the constant bombardment of telemarketers.
This need does not exist because these people rarely receive calls from telemarketers. 


  1. Hello Veronica. It is very valuable that you are clearly able to identify what type of people would most benefit from an idea like yours, but also the people who wouldn't be considered your "target customers." I like where you are going with this resolution to this issue, as many people, like myself, especially in today's day and age, are constantly on their phone, and constantly bombarded by spam.

  2. Hey Veronica, I enjoyed reading your post as I feel it relates to a lot of people! Reason why is because I see the outside boundary of people are people who do not sign up for subscriptions and let's be honest, everyone has some type of subscription. This can be their Netflix or music streaming service. So I feel there is definitely a future in this! Great job!

  3. Hi Veronica!
    Great post! Based on the descriptions of the five interviews conducted, you were able to analysis who your target audience is. The establishment of a boundary allows for deeper understanding of the telemarketing experience.Possibly step further would even be to see which consumer interacts with telemarketing calls daily versus only rarely. Overall you drafted a decent inside and outside boundary analysis to help with your opportunity.
